Department for Education

Health and Wellbeing

Other health services

A list including other health services that might help you or someone you know is available.

Health services and programs

Health services and programs available at our centre include:

Hearing specialists and a dentist visit the centre to examine children and talk with parents.

Child Nutrition Project Officers from the NPY women's Council supportr families at risk and children identified as failing to thrive. Nutrition Officers facilitite cooking and nutrition sessions.

Healthy for life program provided by the Nganampa Health Council through the Office Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health includes health checks, immunisations and growth and developmental monitoring. Other visting health professionals, such as hearing and dental, provide consultations to families.

Child and Familiy Health Service (CaFHS) provide and Early Childhood Developmental Program for families with young children. The program focuses on infants' emotional and spiritual place, healthy physical and social development, and language and literacy.

Fathers group provided by CaFHS is held once a fortnight to engage fathers in their child's development.